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Introduction to ThreeParticle/CAE
Time: 4 hours
This course starts at a Beginner level with an overview about Discrete Element Method, Finite Element Analysis, Multi-body dynamics, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and other available modules. It includes an introduction of the GUI, best practises in simulation technology to optimize your workflow as well as unit to getting to know CAE, Keywords and Automation methods to minimize Pre-processing times.
Basics and DEM theory
Time: 4 hours
Improve your knowledge about Discrete Element Method and Contact models, get to know the difference between continuum and discrete methods as well as hard and soft sphere approach, to work more effeciently with ThreeParticle/CAE. This course is recommended for Academia and Researchers from industry, which are interested in the basics of discretization, integration methods and basic contact models.
DEM Calibration methods
Time: 2 hour
Discrete Element Method will be calibrated with laboratory experiments to get a real physical behavior and most accurate results for any engineering discipline. This course explains basic calibration methods and important material and interaction parameters for DEM.
Multiphysics - Part I
Time: 4 hours
Discrete Element Method with multiphysics capabilities is a new approach to extend the capabilities within a single simulation environment. This course includes models and theory about Heat transfer with convection and conduction and Wear analysis on Parts and Particles.
Multiphysics - Part II
Time: 4 hours
The multiphysics course includes Finite Element Analysis for DEM contacts with Static and Dynamic analysis, combining DEM with Multi-body dynamics and adding Fluids with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and Fluid-Solid-Interactions (FSI).
Time: 6 hours
The C++ API course is ideal for experienced users to extend the capabilities of ThreeParticle/CAE with own contact models, sensors, custom properties or to realize unique simulations like spray coating or coupling to other software packages as well as an import and export of user-defined file formats with many examples and interactive sessions.