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Overview - ThreeParticle/CAE
The only Multiphysics Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulation platform for bulk materials with complex shapes and built-in MBD, FEA & Fluids in the most comprehensive and powerful environment.
Expedite your design process to the double with accurate and fast simulation results.

Complex Particle Shapes
ThreeParticle/CAE with latest Discrete Element Method (DEM) technology allows you to model advanced particle shapes of any type from simple ones like spheres, multi-spheres, ellipsoids, cylinders, capsules, boxes or cones up to real and accurate shapes from 3D scans. Or combine multiple shapes into a new one with our unique composite approach.
Multi-core CPU & GPU solver
We use the latest technologies with highest parallelization on multi-core CPU systems. Large scale fluid-solid interactions of several million particles can be solved incredibly fast on Nvidia GPUs with double precision.

Multi-body dynamics and free motion
Extend your simulation environment to a multi-body dynamics (MBD) system with free body motions and lots of pre-defined constraints to even simulate the most complex mechanical systems. Also Triangle-Triangle contacts between Parts can be solved easily, fast and accurate.
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Sometimes you need to extend particle simulation with fluids or you even want to use fluids with multi-body dynamics. ThreeParticle/CAE allows you to add any kind of fluid to your simulation with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), easily change its parameters and analyze the flow with Post-processing features like surface reconstruction and streamlines.

Finite Element Analysis
Include Finite Element Analysis (FEA) with a few clicks into a simulation and use Static Linear and Non-Linear as well as Dynamic analysis in a single environment. A fully built-in Post-processing is also available to comfortably analyze stresses and strains with ThreeParticle/CAE.
Wear analysis
Analyze surface wear with ThreeParticle/CAE from any contact and get a better insight into wear mechanisms with accurate models to reduce maintenance costs dramatically.